Power Division

This season our division, Oak Mountain Power, will be tackling the Blade Runner Project. Blade Runner is a competition to build alternative energy, primarily by the use of windmills. We shall be building a product for transporting and assembling materials to build this great project for the betterment of the environment and source of power.

We will be assembling a large and small windmill within 3 minutes.

We will transport construction supplies including: 6 Large Windmill blades, a nacelle, and a small windmill hub assembly.

We will also need to obtain an Oversize Overweight Permit before transporting any supplies to the construction area. The permit needs to be obtained at the storage area and must be obtained during our 3 minutes.

We will also have 3 Prairie Chicken Environments scattered around the storage area which all need to be relocated to the safe area before transporting supplies or obtaining the permit.

We will need to attach the 3 Large Turbine blades to the large windmill and the nacelle to the small windmill with the small windmill hub assembly attached to the nacelle. The transport storage band on the hub will need to be removed after assembly.

The windmills will also be pulled up by Oak Mountain Power, subsidiary of Oak Mountain High-Tech Solutions.

We will also be cooperating with other companies to set up windmills near you.

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